Pool Construction - Reinforced Concrete Ceramic Swimming Pools

Pool Construction - Reinforced Concrete Ceramic Swimming Pools

Pool Construction - Reinforced Concrete Ceramic Swimming Pools

Inner space closed pools or open pools for outer areas… We use SeraPool brand of pool ceramics made of %100 porcelain that are used in 70 countries for all climate conditions. Professional ceramic pools are overflow type and completed with flowing channel and balance tank. For smaller spaces/small pools with special use, skimmered system can be preferred.System with skimmer does not require additional components like flowing channel and balance tank.

For the pools, of which concrete have constructed with C25 or C30 and basic structure have been completed, plaster and screed processes are undertaken. Now, it is the phase of ceramic implementation. The most important aspect of ceramic pools is the complete implementation of water isolation. At this stage, we apply water isolation with double components prior to ceramic tiling. We use supportive materials with flex characteristics in ceramic adhesives and joints.

Finally, walking terrace (sunbathing area) is constructed around the pool. At this stage, skidproof materials should be preferred. These materials may be chosen among antislip ceramic, natural stones or wooden decks.

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