What Are The Benefits of Salt Chamber?
In the environment where SunCare Salt Therapy system operates, it ionizes natural rock salt as micro particulars and form the micro climatic effect of salt caves. Thus, you have the opportunity to experience the beneficial effects of salt mines in all environments you are in.
Diseases, which salt therapy in salt mines contribute to theirtreatment are:
• Asthma
• Allergic Asthma
• Asthma, Bronchitis
• Shortness of Breath
• Sinusitis
• Chronic Cough
• Nose Stuffiness
• Snoring Related with Respiratory System
• Post Nazal Drainage
• Sleeping disorders
• Waking Exhausted
Furthermore, data obtained from the clinical researches undertaken on salt therapy, in the body analyzes of individuals who took salt therapy, the amount of carbon di oxide decreases while the amount of oxygen increases. Depending on the increasing amount of oxygen, a significant increase has been observed in quality of life.This study shows us that;
• Smokers,
• People who work in dusty environments such as construction business or timber manufacture,
• People who work in environments which have negative effects on respiratory system such as mines, industry or chemical business,
• Those who spend so much time in traffic in metropolitans,
• Those who live in cities with air pollution.
Will have serious benefits while taking salt therapy. Those who do not have any respiratory diseases but take salt therapy, are reported to have benefits like increasing sleeping quality and they declared they woke up alive and fresh in the mornings. Salt is also a natural antiseptic. This means, it is an antimicrobial material. From the early ages of history, salting is applied to meat and similar foods to keep them fresh. Since it ionizes salt to the environment, salt therapy has antibacterial effects and decreases the efficiency level of the microbes.
We can mention more technical and scientific data on salt therapy as follows:
Medical articles published on salt therapy:
1- In the study undertaken on 49 patients with bronchitis, it is determined that, salt therapy arranges the distribution of free oxygen radicals, increases local immunity and accelerates the clinical course.
2- It is determined that, in chronic bronchitis patients, salt therapy applied supplementary to medical treatment has positive effects on patients.
3- In the study executed on 124 patients with different respiratory diseases, the clinical situations of those who took salt therapy were positively observed, a decrease was determined in bronchial resistance.
4- The results of the study on 393 asthma and chronic obstructive lung disease patients showed that, a significant change of values were observed on paraclinical parameters (respiration frequency, oxygen saturation and partial pressure on blood gases).
5- In the study executed with 32 asthma patients, salt therapy applied with treatment, decreased excessive bronchial sensitivity.
6- In the study undertaken with 29 patients of chronic bronchitis and asthma disease,
remarkable positive results have been determined on air flow parameters of the lungs and on blood pressure after salt therapy.
1- Effectiveness of halotherapy of chronic bronchitis patients, Voprosy Kurortologii, Fizjoterapii, I Lechebnoi Kultury, 2000/6:21-24
2- Effects of halotherapy on free radical oxidation in patients with chronic bronchitis, Klinische Kaia Meditsina, 2000, 78(12):37-40
3- Halotherapy for treatment of respiratory diseases, Journal of Aerosol Medicine, 1995(8),3:221-232
4- SaltMed, Therapeutics, Pharmacology and Clinical Toxicology, 2010/3:201-204
5- The effect of salt chamber treatment on broncial hyperresponsiveness in asthmatics, Allergy, 2006/61:605-610
6- The use of artificial microclimate chamber in the treatment of patients with chronic obstructive lung diseases, Voprosy Kurortologii,Fizjoterapii, I Lechebnoi Kultury, 1997/4:19-21
For details www.tuzterapipaneli.com
All age groups, from babies to old ones .may comfortably use salt therapy. Salt therapy is not a medicine. If any, it does not interact with the medicine you use. But, there are still some conditions where salt therapy is not adviced:
• Patients with high blood pressure.
• Patients with coronary failure
• Those with urinary calculus and gail stones
• Those who are under cancer treatment
• Tuberculosis patients
Warning: SunCare Salt Therapy is not a device or treatment that directly treat your health problems. Salt therapy is a system designed to increase the life quality of people with the patients with above mentioned diseases. For all your health problems, please first refer to your physician.